Adebanji Alade's One day Workshop on Sketching The Human face in London

Adebanji Alade’s One day Workshop on Sketching The Human face in London












Hi guys, I am back here again, this time with a process of how I sketch a portrait using the angles and block-ins. In this method I start from sketching the overall angles from one spot and continue to flow through the sketch, bringing each phase to completion as I go along. I also have a date and venue set for my Sketching the Human Face Workshop on Saturday, 14th of July, 2018 in London, make it a date. I’ll talk about that at the end of this post.

Read the rest of this entry

Its great to put up another HOTSHOT here again! 
This time around it’s HOTSHOT NUMBER 20! And this is all about not letting negative comments stop you from sketching!
Towards the end, I’ll also talk about my next upcoming workshop in London based on the Urban Landscape!
I’ll deal with the HOTSHOT first! Read the rest of this entry