I am happy to share with you my new book which was released in January this year! I know some of you have already bought it or ordered it. But if you haven’t, please Click HERE on this secure link to order a signed copy from me.
I have filled up the book with my heart beat for sketching, what inspires me to sketch, the techniques and materials I use in sketching and a few projects where I show how I start from beginning to the end. If you really want to get hooked on sketching, please order from me HERE and I’ll send you a signed copy!
Today, I’m excited, I have got a new short documentary about “Life Lessons from an Artist” and a step by step demo of a portrait I did without a drawing.
First, it’s all about the film, in 2012- The Life of an Artist was released, today it has has over half a million views, it has inspired many to take up sketching again and for many it has sparked a revival of getting them back to doing what they really love to do. Seven years after, another film is here! This time it focuses in some of the lessons I have learnt over the past seven years and what I have been able to achieve. My message is clear-BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, NEVER GIVE UP and NEVER LET FAILURE drag you down. There are also tips for aspiring plein air painters and lots more, so enjoy this, get a cup of coffee, it is only 10 minutes but it will be worth every minute .
Adebanji Alade’s One day Workshop on Sketching The Human face in London
Hi guys, I am back here again, this time with a process of how I sketch a portrait using the angles and block-ins. In this method I start from sketching the overall angles from one spot and continue to flow through the sketch, bringing each phase to completion as I go along. I also have a date and venue set for my Sketching the Human Face Workshop on Saturday, 14th of July, 2018 in London, make it a date. I’ll talk about that at the end of this post.
Hey there, it’s great to share here again! This time I have a series of clips on how I sketch heads. Even though I am sketching from a sculpted head here, the same principles apply when I sketch a real human head.
Also at the end of this post I’ll share a few things I have been up to and some things I have planned for the summer. Read the rest of this entry
Hi there, I’m back with the HOT SHOTS and this time I have the first part of a series that looks into my sketchbooks and gives you an idea of what I’m thinking about and why I choose to sketch certain people I meet on public transport.
Towards the end of the post I’ll also send you some links to some recent stuff I have been involved in.