I am happy to share with you my new book which was released in January this year! I know some of you have already bought it or ordered it. But if you haven’t, please Click HERE on this secure link to order a signed copy from me.
I have filled up the book with my heart beat for sketching, what inspires me to sketch, the techniques and materials I use in sketching and a few projects where I show how I start from beginning to the end. If you really want to get hooked on sketching, please order from me HERE and I’ll send you a signed copy!
Today, I’m excited, I have got a new short documentary about “Life Lessons from an Artist” and a step by step demo of a portrait I did without a drawing.
First, it’s all about the film, in 2012- The Life of an Artist was released, today it has has over half a million views, it has inspired many to take up sketching again and for many it has sparked a revival of getting them back to doing what they really love to do. Seven years after, another film is here! This time it focuses in some of the lessons I have learnt over the past seven years and what I have been able to achieve. My message is clear-BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, NEVER GIVE UP and NEVER LET FAILURE drag you down. There are also tips for aspiring plein air painters and lots more, so enjoy this, get a cup of coffee, it is only 10 minutes but it will be worth every minute .
This post is all about my method of painting in the -“INSIDE-OUT” Technique and to talk about my last workshop for the year, which is, “PAINTING THE PORTRAIT FROM LIFE”. First I’ll talk about the workshop.
Adebanji Alade’s One day Workshop on Sketching The Human face in London
Hi guys, I am back here again, this time with a process of how I sketch a portrait using the angles and block-ins. In this method I start from sketching the overall angles from one spot and continue to flow through the sketch, bringing each phase to completion as I go along. I also have a date and venue set for my Sketching the Human Face Workshop on Saturday, 14th of July, 2018 in London, make it a date. I’ll talk about that at the end of this post.
I am currently giving myself a very serious task of deliberately practicing Portrait painting, I plan to have 250 portraits by the end of the year. I call this series The DELIBERATE PORTRAIT PRACTICE SERIES.
Hi guys, It’s nice to be back here again! This is Hotshot 25! This shows my process of drawing a portrait. It is quite hard to document every stage and sometimes my process does change a bit, but this is the most common method I normally use to approach a drawing from the beginning to the end.
Hey there, it’s great to share here again! This time I have a series of clips on how I sketch heads. Even though I am sketching from a sculpted head here, the same principles apply when I sketch a real human head.
Also at the end of this post I’ll share a few things I have been up to and some things I have planned for the summer. Read the rest of this entry
Hi there, I am back with the hot shots and I hope this fires you to start a challenge of your own. In this HOTSHOT I share a challenge I gave myself, to sketch 100 people in one week. You’ll see my sketchbook throughout the week in video and in detail here for your sketchinspiration!!
Hi there, I’m back with the HOT SHOTS and this time I have the first part of a series that looks into my sketchbooks and gives you an idea of what I’m thinking about and why I choose to sketch certain people I meet on public transport.
Towards the end of the post I’ll also send you some links to some recent stuff I have been involved in.
It’s nice to get back to these hot shots. I’m so sorry for the massive long wait!
This is Hot shot 21 and it’s all about being able to sketch things when they move and not get frustrated!
Towards the end I’ll be updating you with somethings that I have been up to and involved in, during the long wait and where I’ll be demonstrating before the year ends. Also if you are based in London and want a free ticket to take part the open Studio at Heatherley’s, please let me know and I’ll send you a half day free session to either draw or paint from the model in the open studio at Heatherley’s School of Fine Art, starting off in September.